Investor Education Videos

Video Below: “Risk $10 to potentially make $100,000, Better than the Lottery!

Explains that for first time in 83 years anyone can risk $10 to invest into a startup company to potentially make hundreds, thousands or even $100,000.


Video Below: Visionary Analyst 2 of 5:  (2 min 56 sec)

1984-1991 – This video is about how SproutUps’ advisor Michael Markowski used his vision to find and underwrite an IPO for a start-up that became a large successful NASDAQ listed company.  See also, Mr. Markowski’s research report on company when it was a startup.  Company’s revenue has since grown steadily to a most recent $800 million in annualized revenue.   Note.  Company underwent name change to “Almost Family. Inc.”.

Video Below: Free Cash Flow Investing (4 min 43 sec)

2003 Provides details on SproutUps’ advisor Michael Markowski utilizing his cash flow expertise to develop a filter to find the most undervalued public companies in the US stock market.  The shares of one of the two companies which was identified multiplied by 20 times within 15 months.  The shares of the other multiplied by more than 50 times in less than five years.  See also “Case Study in support of Free Cash Flow Investing Video” which explains how the metrics were used to maximize long-term capital gains.

Statements made by Trophy Investing Incorporated pertaining to returns made from investing in Airbnb, UBER and Snapchat are not indicative of a TRACK RECORD. They are examples for educational purposes only.