We are a startups investing community

Our mission is to help all of our members to learn how to:

  • Invest in startups and early stage companies to:
  • Build diversified portfolios consisting of startup companies
  • Start a company and obtain funding

Interview of Director of Research about startups at NYSE



SproutUps is an investing community which excels at finding exceptional startup companies that have “Trophy Case” potential.  For a startup to be added to our portfolio, its share price must have the potential to reach multiples within five years or less. 

Our mission is to help all of our members to:

  • learn how to invest in startups and early stage companies
  • build diversified portfolios consisting of startup companies
  • learn how to start a company and obtain funding

Mr. Markowski’s interview about startups at NYSE

1000 Times Potential ROI

View 3 minute, 14 second video below:

  • SproutUps specialty is to identify digital and other investing opportunities for its members which have the potential to multiply in value
  • Due to apps in app stores increasing by two million by 2020 opportunities to invest into apps to create instant generational wealth will be abundant

Build a Diversified Startups Portfolio

75% of all startups fail

One successful startup can create dynasty wealth

  • Risk an equal amount into each startup
  • Invest over time and at your own pace

The startups in the above table are examples of successful startups and were not available to SproutUps members.
Statements made by SproutUps pertaining to returns made from investing in Airbnb, UBER and Snapchat are not indicative of a TRACK RECORD. They are examples for educational purposes only.

  • SproutUps specialty is to identify digital and other investing opportunities for its members which have the potential to multiply in value.”
  • Due to apps in app stores increasing by two million by 2020 opportunities to invest into apps to create instant generational wealth will be abundant.”

Build a diversified startups portfolio

One successful startup can create dynasty wealth

  • Risk an equal amount into each startup
  • Invest over time and at your own pace

The startups in the above table are examples of successful startups and were not available to SproutUps members.
Statements made by SproutUps pertaining to returns made from investing in Airbnb, UBER and Snapchat are not indicative of a TRACK RECORD. They are examples for educational purposes only.